Skyrim castle player home mod
Skyrim castle player home mod

Nonetheless, there is plenty of named and unnamed storage to shape and adapt to your needs. I am not a completionist, and as I made this mod for one of my own playthroughs, I have not incorporated unique displays for all the items you could conceivably collect over the course of your game. Choose the one that best suits your needs from the Files page. * There are two versions available: one with four guards (v 2.0a), and one which dispenses with these in order to provide a greater number of beds for followers (v 2.0b).

  • Interior and exterior fully navmeshed (of course).
  • Additional lore in the book on the desk.
  • Roof terrace with scenic pool, fountain, and shrine to Kyne (with a special blessing).
  • Bailey (courtyard) with a byre for a cow, goat, and two chickens, stabling for your horses (and a dog), fifty-odd hearthfire-style planters, and training dummies and archery targets (which the guards will use).
  • All the usual crafting stations and plenty of named and generic storage for flexibility.
  • Five mannequins and various weapon racks and plaques for displaying your gear.
  • Gatehouse with additional quarters and baths (NPCs will automatically undress and dress on entering and leaving the baths).
  • Undercroft with forge, armoury, and postern gate to exterior.
  • Open-plan great hall, with galleried quarters around the main feasting hall.
  • Depending on the version you choose, either two or six household staff and guards*, each with their own daily routine.
  • skyrim castle player home mod

    Room for a spouse, four children, and either six or ten followers*.Acquired by a combination of bounty quest and purchase system.Spare key in the gatehouse in case you do not wish to defeat the dragon, or in case it flees and takes the key with it.Brunhild, the steward, will now be willing to sell you basic tavern supplies, plus a few ingredients and furs.The boat at the jetty will now take you to either Riften Stables, Riften Docks, or Ivarstead.New area: gatehouse, with additional quarters and a bathing area (NPCs will automatically undress and dress on entering and leaving the baths).New area: postern gate that leads directly outside the bailey for a short-cut to the jetty.Four additional follower beds, for a total of either six (main version) or ten (alternative version), divided between the great hall and gatehouse.If so, this could be the player home for you.

    skyrim castle player home mod

    A balance between aesthetics and utilitarianism. Grand and impressive without being a sprawling maze. A convenient safe haven where you can dump your wealth and urchins, without worrying that the Whiterun drunk will stumble in at 4 am and help himself to a Daedric artifact from a wall display.

    skyrim castle player home mod

    If you're anything like me, you've long wanted a player home that felt secure and defensible (Skyrim is a great place for making enemies, after all) without being oversized or totally incompatible with Skyrim lore.

    Skyrim castle player home mod